July 26, 2011

Linux 3.0 with New Numbering Kernel System

Posted at 6:11 AM by admin
Linux 3.0 was released by Linux founder "Linus Torvalds" through google +. In Linux 3.0 there are some differences compared to previous versions.

First, the numbering kernel system is the core of the open source operating system GNU / Linux. Earlier using three numbers.

Torvalds said the replacement of kernel number will not be a problem. "The bottom line numbering 3.0 only re-course, we did not do a KDE or Gnome-4-3 anything here," said Torvalds.

But others see the re-numbering the kernel numbers may give problems.

Torvalds says it is not a problem. "As I've mentioned several times, there are no special features associated with the version number changes," wrote Torvalds. Criticism is a way to drop Linux.

Linux 3.0 did the addition of backend storage for the Xen Hypervisor, renewal Btrfs file system, and an increase in drivers for a variety of graphics processors and peripherals.

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